Welcome Back!

The last 5 months have been intense to say the least!

We wrapped up Christmas Minis for 2022 only 1 week before my newest baby girl arrived.

Thank You to everyone that booked your Christmas Mini Session last November! You've allowed me to take time off to recover from Birth and bond with my baby.

In 2023, there will be yet more changes going forward. In order to keep my business going I've made some adjustments to our pricing and overall business model. My main goal is for every single client to be able to hold something tangible from their session. The custom artwork created during your photo session should be displayed, and not just on social media. These are photographs you'll want to look at every day.

This is your family, and you should be able to proudly display these images in your home.

Overall, the goal is to make everyone happier going forward.

Now Booking Newborn Sessions for April through October 2023 and January through October 2024.

We will be hosting Nana & Me Minis in June and August, as well as our annual Christmas Minis in November of 2023.